Climate Justice

Who bears this burden?

Who bears this burden?

COP 26: Loss and damage evaded again but recognised This was lush, abundant farmland. Who will bear this loss? ©A J GHANI/FRIENDSHIP by TAHMEED CHAUDHURYDecember 1, 2021 A critical issue in the recently concluded COP26, loss and damage gained recognition at the summit...

Ear to the Earth

Ear to the Earth

The key to adaptation lies in listening intently to locals and communities at the forefront of the climate crisis by Runa Khan, founder and executive director, Friendship In 2004, I was visiting our hospital ship in the river islands (chars) of the Brahmaputra. This...

Climate Recap

Climate Recap

By Benjamin George Coles In May, Cyclone Fani displaced around 3.5 million people in Bangladesh and India. Even before that, around 10 million in Bangladesh had been evacuated due to climate emergencies in recent decades. Friendship works in places that are among the...

COP25 in a Nutshell

COP25 in a Nutshell

Saleemul Huq outlines the major talking points at the Conference of Parties The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a global treaty that was signed and ratified by 195 countries obligating themselves to take actions to protect the planet,...

Shamim’s Woes

Shamim’s Woes

Shamim Mia is a student of class 8 at a Friendship Secondary School. These secondary schools use a proprietary ICT-aided system that combines lessons that are pre-recorded by teachers from reputed schools in Dhaka, computers and monitors, and solar technology to power...

C’est la rentrée – Back to work

C’est la rentrée – Back to work

Chères amies, chers amis, Dear Friends of Friendship (translation below) C’est la rentrée et pour Friendship, elle se fait sur les chapeaux de roues: A Dhaka, la première boutique Friendship vient d’ouvrir ses portes pour assurer toujours plus de débouchés aux...