Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) hosts public lecture on climate justice in memory of Prof. Saleemul Huq

By Friendship Newsdesk
April 22, 2024
On April 16, 2024, the Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) hosted a public lecture to commemorate renowned global climate scientist and Professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Management in the university Prof. Dr. Saleemul Huq, who passed away in October 2023. The public memorial lecture, titled, “Promoting Climate Justice: Roles of Courts and Youth”, was co-organised by the university along with Centre for Climate Justice Bangladesh, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice of the New York University School Law, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Friendship, Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS), and World’s Youth for Climate Justice.
The public lecture was held to commemorate Prof. Saleem’s contributions to address climate change impacts, educate stakeholders, especially youth and children, on climate justice and launch a campaign titled ‘Youth Voice for Climate Justice.’

Saber Hossain Chowdhury MP, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister, was one of the distinguished speakers. He emphasised on the importance of including the young generation in stakeholder engagement strategies. “We don’t want the young generation to just listen, we also want to listen to them,” he said. “We must build on the passion of our youth to bring about meaningful change and ensure a sustainable future for all. We want them to be partners in implementation.”
The minister also reiterated that the government will invest in the youth and will include topics such as climate change, environment and biodiversity in school textbooks to prepare children for the future, while also paying tribute to Prof. Saleem. “He has inspired a climate generation in Bangladesh. Many of the people I see in the audience today have been touched by his sincerity, commitment and an outstanding ability to convince people, especially when he talked about climate science and attribution.”
Dr. Cesar Rodriguez-Garavito, Professor of Clinical Law and Chair of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU School of Law, was the other distinguished speaker at the event. He discussed the role that courts and youth can play in facing the climate crisis and the findings of his practice and latest book on Climate law, titled ‘Litigating the Climate Emergency.’
“Heatwaves, cyclones, floods, sea-level rise, these are all massive violations of human rights,” he said. “The youth movement had provided the energy, passion and the impetus that had driven most of the achievements in climate governance. The law and social mobilisation of the youth and the use of creative, expansive and rigorous use of the law go hand in hand.”

Professor Saleemul Huq, also Founder Director at the International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), was a leading advocate in promoting climate justice. He had played a significant role in bringing together the youth to respond to climate change in Bangladesh and worldwide. Furthermore, he played an active role in IPCC reports and served as an adviser to the Least Developed Country (LDC) group in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He was a recipient of the 2020 National Environment Award in Bangladesh and appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2022.
Barrister Ayesha Taasin Khan, senior director and head of Inclusive Citizenship at Friendship, Kazi Amdadul Hoque, senior director and head of Climate Action at Friendship, climate expert Dr. Ainun Nishat, Professor Emeritus at BRAC University, Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Chief Executive of BELA, Advocate M Hafijul Islam Khan, Director at CCJ-B and others were amongst the distinguished guests.