Friendship will be present at COP26 in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November 2021 to carry the voices of the most vulnerable communities of Bangladesh and advocate for climate adaptation solutions that work.
In November 2021, the World will be looking to Glasgow, expecting a wide and ambitious agreement to effectively limit the global warming to 1.5°C as recommended by the IPCC and as endorsed in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement in 2015. This is the time for concrete measures and real commitments!
While discussions are ongoing and seemingly endless and while scientists are, unfortunately, still struggling to achieve widespread recognition of the urgency of the climate crisis, Bangladesh has already been dealing with its practical implications for many years. Climate change is a reality of today for millions who cannot be held responsible of this unique crisis in human history. It is urgent to put solutions in place for the immediate future of the most vulnerable and poorest communities.
Since 2002, almost all of Friendship’s activities have been designed, by necessity, to be adapted to the challenges arising in areas exposed to climate disasters. With a solid experience gained from “learning by doing” in the field, with a deep and trusty involvement of the communities and local stakeholders, Friendship wants to share solutions that have been tested and are working.
Friendship has a range of interventions and programmes geared towards holistic, integrated, bottom-up, sustainable, nature-based solutions for local-level adaptation and mitigation against the climate crisis. Friendship is present at this crucial COP26 in Glasgow and is organising and participating in several side events to explain and showcase some of these climate actions.
Whereas, due to uncertainty about the Covid-19 situation, there were concerns about a fair and inclusive representativeness of the Global South to this climate conference, the South-North model of Friendship, founded, directed and managed in Bangladesh with entities in five European countries, ensures that we will be in a position to carry to Glasgow the voices of the poorest and most vulnerable communities, often forgotten in international fora.
Friendship will have a voice during the following events, many of these events being accessible to anyone online:
1. Climate change mitigation and adaptation through coastal ecosystems conservation and restoration
EU Pavilion at the Scottish Event Campus, Blue Zone
International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) Friendship GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean research Kiel
Coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows are marine and coastal ecosystems that provide a multitude of benefits to society and ecology, including climate adaptation and mitigation. The session will present approaches to restore and conserve these ecosystems, as well as showcase field practices, discuss adaptive capacity, knowledge sharing, and the scaling up of restoration activities.
2. Resilient by Nature: scaling-up and financing Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
EU Pavilion at the Scottish Event Campus, Blue Zone
World Bank – Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) UN Environment Program – World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) Friendship NGO
Nature-based Solutions & Ecosystem-based approaches have emerged as viable alternatives & approaches to complement conventional infrastructure investments. The session will present the use of NBS in rural & urban settings for building resilience, showcase best practices, & discuss how financing options could broaden the uptake of NBS. At the event organizers will release knowledge products and present main findings. Friendship will present its raised plinths solution in flood-prone areas of Bangladesh.
3. Climate change, migration and health: Transforming tomorrow – a call to action
BENELUX/EIB Pavilion at the Scottish Event Campus, Blue Zone
FRIENDSHIP, with the sponsorship of the Federal Ministry for Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal of Belgium.
Official launch of the Blue Mangrove Fund, a new initiative enabling an adaptation solution for local vulnerable communities in coastal Bangladesh through a fully transparent carbon set off mechanism tailored for Belgian families and SMEs.
5. Mangroves In Bangladesh: An integrated effort towards adaptation and mitigation jointly by government, NGOs, and communities
Bangladesh Pavilion at the Scottish Event Campus, Blue Zone
FRIENDSHIP, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Bangladesh
Integrating climate change adaptation efforts is the key to achieve long-term climate change mitigation status. Bangladesh’s mangroves are globally significant due to their size, geological contexts, biological variety, and potential for natural resource and livelihood support. Friendship initiated expanding and protection of the mangrove forestry based on the collaboration among the Government, NGOs, and Communities. This collaboration among stakeholders and integrating Mangrove Plantation with other programs of Friendship has proven effective for growing, protection and sustainability in fighting adverse impacts of climate change.
BENELUX/EIB Pavilion at the Scottish Event Campus, Blue Zone
FRIENDSHIP, with the sponsorship the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development of Luxembourg
Raise awareness and advocate for adaptation solutions that are effective for communities at the frontline of climate change thanks to flexible fundings that do not bias the way these solutions are designed and implemented.
7. Climate change, migration and health: interconnected challenges for the 21st century
Health / WHO Pavilion at the Scottish Event Campus, Blue Zone
Glasgow Caledonian University
The impacts of climate change on gender based violence and mental health are two of the most prolific and least understood areas of study which currently has a limited evidence base. Thus, evidence based work is required that can be used to support the development of climate just policy guidance and practical solutions to support the recovery and safety needs of women and girls who are experiencing the impacts of climate change the most. The focus of this event is first to put the spot light on the lived experiences of women‘s mental health and climate change. Second, we will explore the development of a research framework for building further insights. And third discuss what needs to be done in terms of the development of policy and practical solutions that can support the mental health needs of women and girls as well as protecting their human right to health.
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