Brigadier General Ilyas Iftekhar Rasul,

ndc (India), psc (Malaysia), (retired)



Ilyas Iftekhar Rasul is a senior retired military officer with over four decades of distinguished services in leadership, management, education, UN peacekeeping and diplomacy. He was commissioned in Bangladesh Army in 1976 and held several important command, staff and instructional posts e.g., commander of an infantry brigade in Counter Insurgency Operations; commandant, Bangladesh Military Academy; director Military Operations, Army Headquarters; director (Operations and Planning), Armed Forces Division, PM Office, senior directing staff, National Defence College, etc.

He was also the pioneer defence advisor in the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to UN, New York. In his long military service, he had around 17 years of instructional assignments in various capacities and co-authored several military pamphlets. He attended many professional courses both at home and abroad. Before joining Friendship in July 2018, he was the pioneer vice chancellor of Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology. He is widely travelled and has visited around 30 countries.